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Congratulations @vancouFUR on a great weekend

The staff did a wonderful job putting out a great convention. They had all the information I needed to run my panel to me early and the tech for my panel ran smoothly.

I actually managed to finish coloring the art I prepped for my coloring w QQH panel a smidge early and then flubbed and blubbered for several minutes.

I had a great time. I hope all y’all had as good a time as I did.

Morning warm up

I decided to dive into a quick sketch morning warm up. I know the pose isn’t dynamic but sometimes the clouds part and you are granted a flat to the camera pose.

I set my timer for 30 min, grabbed a pencil, and started sketching. It was lots of fun to put pencil to paper.

Felted Dragon

I did this for a small cheer up for a friend (I plan on doing one for each person in that household). This little guy took an entire day to felt. Where the chicken I did last week took roughly 1.5 hrs.