Hi, if you are interested in a commission the best way to contact me currently is via twitter, but you can also email contact at [this_website.com]. Sorry for the annoyingly obfuscated address, but spammers keep getting more persistent.
Badges: badges are approximately 3″x5″ and can contain a character, an item, and/or a name. All badges are laminated and come w a badge clip. Badges start at $40+
5″x7″ mated to 8″x10″: can contain 1-3 characters, an item, and a simple background. All art comes mated with certificate of authenticity. If you have an item the number of characters maxes out at two. Art starts at $60+
8″x10″ mated to 11″x14″: can contain up to 5 characters, an item, and a simple background. All art comes mated with a certificate of authenticity. Art starts at $110+
11″x14″ mated to 16″x20″: can contain up to 10 characters, an item, and a simple background. All art comes mated with a certificate of authenticity. Art starts at $220+
The starting prices are based on one character, one item, basically no background. The more complex the piece the more it will cost. The artist reserves the rights to change these prices and what can be done and basically everything up until they accept payment.
Not currently accepting color pencil commissions unless the artist finds them amusing. They keep injuring themselves while using color pencil and have not yet figured out how to price art to accommodate medical bills or just not hurt themselves. They agree that that would be a more desired outcome.
Mailing Fees:
Under 8″x10″ $5
Over 8″x10″ $10