I hope you enjoy this artistic representation of drinking during the time of covid.
How not to felt
I did this video for BasementCon. It was fun to record. I hope you enjoy.
Pandemic holiday 2

Want your characters safely kissing under the mistletoe? Any gender combo, 5×7” matted for 8×10”, copic marker, w this basic pose for just $40+$10 shipping and handling. Deal ends November 23rd 2020 or when my que is full.
Pandemic holiday 1

These two are all decked out for safety and fashion. Available for commissions in this style for $40+$10 shipping and handling. Any gender combo, copic marker 5×7” art, & matted to 8×10”.
Order before November 23rd or my que fills up.
Pandemic on Ice

This style (any gender combo) of winter pandemic art is currently $40+$10 shipping and handling. Deal open until nov 23rd or my que fills up.
Done w comic marker, 5×7” art, & matted to 8×10”.