Come find me at arts and apples. Walk the park, look at the art, and buy something to remember your awesome time.
Friday 2pm to 7pm
Saturday 10am to 7pm
Sunday 10am to 4pm

Hope to see y’all this weekend.
Come find me at arts and apples. Walk the park, look at the art, and buy something to remember your awesome time.
Friday 2pm to 7pm
Saturday 10am to 7pm
Sunday 10am to 4pm
Hope to see y’all this weekend.
I usually have more time to sketch and develop line art for pieces than to actually get them colored. I can sketch in the car, restaurant, basically where ever I have brought my pencil & paper. I have ever sketched at night in a moving vehicle by the light of street lights and memory. Coloring them takes more supplies and a larger work surface. The above pic is finished sketches I’d like to have done before October.
I highly recommend a few books for all creatives.
The art of asking by Amanda Palmer – this book taught me that my service is valuable and asking is hard but you should ask. Those who value your art will step up.
Furiously happy by Jenny Lawson – this book taught me that I’m not alone in being weird and my weirdness is what makes me wonderful. It is probably what makes my art wonderful.
You’re never weird on the internet (almost) by Felicia day – for teaching me that haters gonna hate for everyone.
Anything by David Sedaris cause he’s funny and sometimes you need to laugh.
everyone needs business cards, even me. I get most of mine from This is a design I’ll be buying soon. Just finished the art.
So I got today’s coloring project 85% done but two different cats were eating my creativity time and I lived every second if it. Yes I know that was a giant run on sentence. Thus why my writing career has paused. So, I have Monday off work. Maybe I’ll post two unless cat gravity works again.