Category Archives: Convention

Kalamazoo art in the park

Kalamazoo art in the park was super fun. I love the people that come out and visit. I have some awesome new memories of people enjoying the art and that really does give me the warm and fuzzies.

Thank you everyone. I look forward to seeing y’all again.

Psst… Ann Arbor art fair is in a few more weeks. (Ahhhhhhh)

We will be on Liberty in front of the post office. Super awesome.

New Mailing List!

In these volatile times within the various social media companies, we figured it is time for a blast from the past… an email list!

We plan on sending out no more than 1 or 2 emails a month (probably more 1 a quarter) letting you know what is new, where we will be selling, and perhaps some sale codes…

You can pop over to this page to sign up:
Mailing List Page

(Cute graphics and such to come soon)

Bring out you dead

I had a great time at midwest FurFest. I think this was one of my favorite moments. I hope the plague doctors were as happy as I was in that moment.

This art is done w water color pencil for n heat pressed watercolor paper.

My father in law had mentioned how he really felt the Monty python scene this year where it’s the Black Death and the plague doctor was going around called for people to bring out their dead. I agreed with the sentiment and had to do art to mark the year.