First commission

I finished my first commission today. I’m super nervous that he’s going to like it. I meet up with him Friday. Wish me luck.

On a side note I’ve been working on a side project today. I can’t talk much about it but the logo’s are proving hard. The simplicity you need so that it’s legible is difficult while still making concept clear. Wish me luck.

Business cards

This whole own business thing is complex. Today I was working on business cards. With an art business you need to include a sample. Eventually I’ll have two or three cards but this is the one I did today.


First post for my first company.

Quack Quack Honk Designs has been a long time in the making but would still be a dream if it wasn’t for the encouragement of my wonderful husband and friends. Quack Quack Honk Designs is a quirky company with quirky art. It dares to be funny and cute.

The site is still under construction so bear with me while I get things going. Thank you
L. Pearson


Let’s get going!

It is a brand new day, and time to get this art party started. I’m your faithful webmaster, B. Sadly this post is sans art, as I am not the artist around here. Hopefully I can lure her out of hiding to post soon…
