Category Archives: art

Ant eaters in love

These two giant ant eaters are recreating lady and the tramp with ants on a log.

If you don’t know this midwest gen x treat ants on a log is celery, w peanut butter or cream cheese or squeezy cheese, & raisins or crasins or chopped fruit. It’s healthy or so they say.

This art is done on marker paper w Copic markers.

Murder Spree

Copic marker on Bristol vellum paper brought you this punny piece.

Sponsored by my wonderful Patreon’s MamaT, Nicolai Tiger, Margret Bumby, Nate & Jess all rock. Eddie the weather fox, grey muzzle Geekery, & Marc Whipple are awesome.

What’s the pun? A group of crows is a murder & the candies are sprees.

New Mailing List!

In these volatile times within the various social media companies, we figured it is time for a blast from the past… an email list!

We plan on sending out no more than 1 or 2 emails a month (probably more 1 a quarter) letting you know what is new, where we will be selling, and perhaps some sale codes…

You can pop over to this page to sign up:
Mailing List Page

(Cute graphics and such to come soon)